Homemade Herbal Bath Powder
In the metropolitan city, lifestyle is just enthusiastic. Hours and hours of work, Outings with friends, public commutations, Two-wheeler rides, and rush in shopping areas are very common. The Metropolitan life is busy even if it is interesting. People run around all day. They end up ruining the health and skin not only just by roaming, but also by spending on chemicals to increase the ruining effect. People lose skin tones, hair and end up with skin problems as well. People can go ahead and stop the pollution from harming them, is it possible? No, Right. But they can reduce the chemical effect on the skin for sure, right?
As India is a birthplace of Ayurveda, Siddha, and Yoga which suggested some self-sustained and healthy lifestyle, our ancestors developed several formula for our daily health practices. Population increased, Industrial growth and importantly growing cosmetic industry decreased the lands for the agricultural and Ayurveda produce and started selling out the artificial supplies. People fell for the colorful advertisements on Televisions and through movies. People considered it as a barbaric practice to stay in their roots. They increased buying more and more chemicals and later started the afflictions. But, nowadays people are becoming courteous toward the right thing. They are observant and considerate on choosing the items meant for heath. Hence, the Homemade Herbal products are again pitching the market.
Homemade Herbal Bath powder
Homemade anything is better because people know what they are using. A person with dry skin can skip the ingredients having skin drying properties. A change in proportion is also possible based on the need.
All the ingredients are natural and never going to give any side effects.
They are not freshly ground but dried and ground. It stays fresh in cupboards even if you buy in bulk orders.
There are 31 ingredients to make an Original Bath powder.
Ingredients and uses
1) Rose Petals
Rose Petals have properties that make everyone to add it on the bath powder. Smells good even when it dries. It helps in,
i) acting as a sunscreen
ii) Reduces the wrinkles
iii) Suitable for sensitive skin
2) Turmeric
Turmeric is an Excellent ingredient in a bath powder. Prolonged use of turmeric reduces the risk of skin cancer. It is anti-bacterial as well.
i) It reduces the hair growth over the skin.
ii) It Reduces the Acne.
iii) Absorbs Vitamin D.
iv) It screens the UV rays from reaching the Skin.
The medicinal property of the Turmeric is a lot. Prolonged use of turmeric in any form either in food or applying over skin benefits the skin.
3)Zedoaria Powder /White turmeric/Poolankilangu
i) It increases the skin tone
ii) Reduces the Acne
iii) Reduces the black spot and blemishes
iv) it is effective on increasing the softness in the skin.
4) Neem leaves
Neem leaves, flowers, and seeds are exported throughout the world from the tropical countries being famous for medicinal value. Ancient Indians use to brush with the Neem branches. It strengthens the teeth gums. The Neem leaves are used to cool down the body. Using neem leaves in the bath powder.
i) Helps to heal the skin ailments.
ii) Cools down the body.
iii) Removes Bacteria and solves the acne problems.
5) Holy Basil leaves
Holy Basil is edible. Prolonged intake of Holy Basil fights cancer cells.
Over the skin, it has an abundant good effect.
i) Antioxidant property.
ii) Continuous apply over the skin helps to stay off of wrinkles.
6) Sweet Basil ( Ocimum basilicum L)
Grown throughout the Tropical countries, sweet smelling herb, and full of medicinal properties.
i) Continuous usage results in a reduction of sweet.
ii) Fragrance calms down the mind.
7) Indian sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus)
It is a root usually used as a refreshing drink. It has Antimicrobial, Anti-inflammatory property.
i) It is a Natural Antioxidant - increases the oxygen flow in the blood and purifies it.
ii) The ointment applied over skin reduces the inflammation and cures the wounds. It is even effective over wounds of a Diabetic patient.
8) Davana (Hemidesmus indicus)
Grown in shrubs in south India. It is an aromatic plant. Used in Bouquets for fragrance.
i) The floral oils used in perfumes.
ii) The person who is sensitive to strong smells can avoid this.
iii) Antioxidant.
iv) Cooling effect.
9) Henna ( Lawsonia Inermis Linn)
Tropical herb. The leaves have a dying property. It is used as a temporary tattoo.
i) When applied over, reduces the body heat.
ii) It calms the mind
10) Asthma weed (Euphorbia hirta)
India and Srilanka are the two countries where this herb is found. Medicinal property heals the contagious diseases, Treats Asthma effectively.
i) Antibacterial heals the Acne.
11) Indian Copperleaf (Acalypha Indica)
Found in tropical regions, famous for its antibacterial property.
i) Medicine for skin repairs.
ii) Allergens treatment.
iii) Skin rashes due to fungal infection are cleared.
12) False Daisy (Eclipta Prostrata)
Large-scale growth witnessed in India, Srilanka an China. The whole plant from flower to roots are used to create an essence for beauty products. The Dried plant also has similar properties.
i) Heals red spots over the skin.
ii) Reduces the wrinkle formation.
13) Hibiscus
Red color flower, seen in tropical regions. It is an edible flower. It has oily substance when cut which cures the skin ailment. People make tea using the dried hibiscus. It has antioxidant property.
i) Clean the pores.
ii) Skin is toned.
14) Magilampoo (Mimusops elengi)
The tree bark, seeds, and flowers have several medicinal values, helps to treat from gums to treating the anxiety. The flowers are used in the bath powder for the following reasons.
i) The wrinkles prevented.
ii) Antioxidant.
ii) The radiant effect over the skin.
15) Marigold (Tagetes erecta )
Marigold primarily used in the medical industry for treating Ulcers. There are benefits over skin and hair as well.
I) It cures skin ulcer
ii) it cures Eczema
iii) Antifungal and bacterial as well.
16) Vecchi poo ( Ixora coccinea)
An evergreen plant, grown in Asian countries and Cambodia. The medicinal effects are numerous.
i) Renews the Damaged skin.
ii) Face wash assures refreshment.
17) Licorice - Adhimadhuram ( Abru pops prectorius)
The root of the plant is used in medicines. It plays magic in the skin.
i) It reduces melanin formation improving skin whitening.
ii) It reduces the pigmentation in the skin.
18) Vilamichai ver - Coleus vettiveroides root
it is a slender and bushy plant, in which roots are aromatic, and used in cosmetic productions.
i) It helps in skin radiance.
ii) Smells good and pleasing when used.
19) Vetti Ver - Chrysopogon ziznioides
It is a grass-like plant, smelling good and treated insomnia. It calms down the mind. It is a natural insect repellant.
I) )Over the skin relieves the stress.
ii) Repels insects.
20) Korai kilangu - Neotea
They call it Purple Net sludge. It increases Lactation in feeding mothers. The Intake has several health benefits, and It has amazing benefits when applied over the skin.
i) Treats the skin ailment like scabies, and eczema
ii) treats skin wounds also.
21) Vasambu (Acorus Calamus)
It is a shrub, where the roots are useful for infants. It is antibacterial when it is burnt and turned black. the Vasambu ash is used in speech therapies as well. They make chains and bracelets for infants so that the insects never near the newborn.
i) Over the skin, it soothes the skin and mind when smelled.
ii) It repels the insects.
22) Kaarpoga Arisi - Babchi seeds ( Psoralin Corrylifolia)
A seed, which is ground and used in bath powder. It cures the white spots over the skin.
i) The best medicine for skin ailments like Eczema and ringworms
ii) Prolonged usage helps to remove the pimples of the skin.
23) Green gram ( Vigna radiata)
Green gram is rich in fiber content. It is good when taken as food and exterior use as well. Good for the skin in many ways.
i) It gives radiant glow over the skin.
ii) It is very good for Oily skin.
iii) It is safe on the Dry skin when applied with milk cream or oil.
iv) It is a natural scrub and cleanses the skin.
24) Vendhayam - Fenugreek seed ( Trigonella foenum graecum)
It is a coriander seed. It is rich in Vitamin C. Seeds, leaves and stem are good for the stomach, hair, and skin.
i) Skin problems controlled.
ii) Brings out a natural glow.
iii) Cures pimples.
iv) Anti-aging of a skin.
25) Vellai sollam - Sorgham
It has several benefits over the skin. Intake makes a person energetic. Outside when applied, has good results.
i) Reduces Melanoma,
26) wheat
Wheat applied over the skin has several benefits.
i) Rich in Antioxidant.
ii) Removes scars
iii) Rich in vitamin E oil, reduces the black circle over the eyes.
iv) smoothes the skin.
27) Pungai kottai - Pongamia ( Milletia pinnata)
The leaves, flowers, Tree bark, roots have a medicinal effect. This Tree plays a vital role in the environmental cycle. It produces enormous oxygen.
i) The seed treats eczema, psoriasis.
ii) Antioxidant.
iii) Nourishes the skin.
28) Cucumber seeds
Cucumber regulates the body temperature. The seeds are good for the skin.
i) Skin cell regenerates.
ii) Soothing effect.
iii) Anti-inflammatory, and Antibacterial.
iv) Protects the skin.
29) Sandalwood
Sandalwood tree has a central stem which retains aroma for several years. It has several skin benefits.
i) Antiviral and Anti-inflammatory.
ii) Soothing effect.
iii) The smell reduces the stress.
iv) Treats Acne.
v) Increases skin tone
30) Orange peels
Orange is a citric fruit, has vitamin C in abundance. The orange peels too have Vitamin C. The peels can help to increase the skin health.
i) It removes the skin tan.
ii) Treats Skin problems like Blemishes.
iii) Brightens the face.
31) Multhani matti
It is a clay. it is rich in minerals essential for skin.
i) Treats Acne.
ii) It Treats the pore.
iii) It Treats blemishes.
iv) Refreshes the skin.
Collecting these ingredients can be a challenge. Practically speaking, that's why people will move to soap because it is easily accessible. But there are many small business owners initiated to make these homemade products for the ease of people around the city. Homemade Herbal Bath Powder in Chennai is not available with all these ingredients. It is accessible to people in a small town. They ease your pain of collecting things and finding a mill to grind the stuff.
One of our best friend who recently moved off from the USA to India to live their self-sustained life has taken this wonderful initiative benefiting themselves and others. Call these couple for Homemade Herbal Bath Powder. They charge, Rs.100 for 100 grams of Bath powder. There may be separate postal charges in case of shipping.
Parandhaman - Ph: +91 6381586013
Prathiba - Ph: +91 7358196508
As India is a birthplace of Ayurveda, Siddha, and Yoga which suggested some self-sustained and healthy lifestyle, our ancestors developed several formula for our daily health practices. Population increased, Industrial growth and importantly growing cosmetic industry decreased the lands for the agricultural and Ayurveda produce and started selling out the artificial supplies. People fell for the colorful advertisements on Televisions and through movies. People considered it as a barbaric practice to stay in their roots. They increased buying more and more chemicals and later started the afflictions. But, nowadays people are becoming courteous toward the right thing. They are observant and considerate on choosing the items meant for heath. Hence, the Homemade Herbal products are again pitching the market.
Homemade Herbal Bath powder
Homemade anything is better because people know what they are using. A person with dry skin can skip the ingredients having skin drying properties. A change in proportion is also possible based on the need.
All the ingredients are natural and never going to give any side effects.
They are not freshly ground but dried and ground. It stays fresh in cupboards even if you buy in bulk orders.
There are 31 ingredients to make an Original Bath powder.
Ingredients and uses
1) Rose Petals
Rose Petals have properties that make everyone to add it on the bath powder. Smells good even when it dries. It helps in,
i) acting as a sunscreen
ii) Reduces the wrinkles
iii) Suitable for sensitive skin
2) Turmeric
Turmeric is an Excellent ingredient in a bath powder. Prolonged use of turmeric reduces the risk of skin cancer. It is anti-bacterial as well.
i) It reduces the hair growth over the skin.
ii) It Reduces the Acne.
iii) Absorbs Vitamin D.
iv) It screens the UV rays from reaching the Skin.
The medicinal property of the Turmeric is a lot. Prolonged use of turmeric in any form either in food or applying over skin benefits the skin.
3)Zedoaria Powder /White turmeric/Poolankilangu
i) It increases the skin tone
ii) Reduces the Acne
iii) Reduces the black spot and blemishes
iv) it is effective on increasing the softness in the skin.
4) Neem leaves
Neem leaves, flowers, and seeds are exported throughout the world from the tropical countries being famous for medicinal value. Ancient Indians use to brush with the Neem branches. It strengthens the teeth gums. The Neem leaves are used to cool down the body. Using neem leaves in the bath powder.
i) Helps to heal the skin ailments.
ii) Cools down the body.
iii) Removes Bacteria and solves the acne problems.
5) Holy Basil leaves
Holy Basil is edible. Prolonged intake of Holy Basil fights cancer cells.
Over the skin, it has an abundant good effect.
i) Antioxidant property.
ii) Continuous apply over the skin helps to stay off of wrinkles.
6) Sweet Basil ( Ocimum basilicum L)
Grown throughout the Tropical countries, sweet smelling herb, and full of medicinal properties.
i) Continuous usage results in a reduction of sweet.
ii) Fragrance calms down the mind.
7) Indian sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus)
It is a root usually used as a refreshing drink. It has Antimicrobial, Anti-inflammatory property.
i) It is a Natural Antioxidant - increases the oxygen flow in the blood and purifies it.
ii) The ointment applied over skin reduces the inflammation and cures the wounds. It is even effective over wounds of a Diabetic patient.
8) Davana (Hemidesmus indicus)
Grown in shrubs in south India. It is an aromatic plant. Used in Bouquets for fragrance.
i) The floral oils used in perfumes.
ii) The person who is sensitive to strong smells can avoid this.
iii) Antioxidant.
iv) Cooling effect.
9) Henna ( Lawsonia Inermis Linn)
Tropical herb. The leaves have a dying property. It is used as a temporary tattoo.
i) When applied over, reduces the body heat.
ii) It calms the mind
10) Asthma weed (Euphorbia hirta)
India and Srilanka are the two countries where this herb is found. Medicinal property heals the contagious diseases, Treats Asthma effectively.
i) Antibacterial heals the Acne.
11) Indian Copperleaf (Acalypha Indica)
Found in tropical regions, famous for its antibacterial property.
i) Medicine for skin repairs.
ii) Allergens treatment.
iii) Skin rashes due to fungal infection are cleared.
12) False Daisy (Eclipta Prostrata)
Large-scale growth witnessed in India, Srilanka an China. The whole plant from flower to roots are used to create an essence for beauty products. The Dried plant also has similar properties.
i) Heals red spots over the skin.
ii) Reduces the wrinkle formation.
13) Hibiscus
Red color flower, seen in tropical regions. It is an edible flower. It has oily substance when cut which cures the skin ailment. People make tea using the dried hibiscus. It has antioxidant property.
i) Clean the pores.
ii) Skin is toned.
14) Magilampoo (Mimusops elengi)
The tree bark, seeds, and flowers have several medicinal values, helps to treat from gums to treating the anxiety. The flowers are used in the bath powder for the following reasons.
i) The wrinkles prevented.
ii) Antioxidant.
ii) The radiant effect over the skin.
15) Marigold (Tagetes erecta )
Marigold primarily used in the medical industry for treating Ulcers. There are benefits over skin and hair as well.
I) It cures skin ulcer
ii) it cures Eczema
iii) Antifungal and bacterial as well.
16) Vecchi poo ( Ixora coccinea)
An evergreen plant, grown in Asian countries and Cambodia. The medicinal effects are numerous.
i) Renews the Damaged skin.
ii) Face wash assures refreshment.
17) Licorice - Adhimadhuram ( Abru pops prectorius)
The root of the plant is used in medicines. It plays magic in the skin.
i) It reduces melanin formation improving skin whitening.
ii) It reduces the pigmentation in the skin.
18) Vilamichai ver - Coleus vettiveroides root
it is a slender and bushy plant, in which roots are aromatic, and used in cosmetic productions.
i) It helps in skin radiance.
ii) Smells good and pleasing when used.
19) Vetti Ver - Chrysopogon ziznioides
It is a grass-like plant, smelling good and treated insomnia. It calms down the mind. It is a natural insect repellant.
I) )Over the skin relieves the stress.
ii) Repels insects.
20) Korai kilangu - Neotea
They call it Purple Net sludge. It increases Lactation in feeding mothers. The Intake has several health benefits, and It has amazing benefits when applied over the skin.
i) Treats the skin ailment like scabies, and eczema
ii) treats skin wounds also.
21) Vasambu (Acorus Calamus)
It is a shrub, where the roots are useful for infants. It is antibacterial when it is burnt and turned black. the Vasambu ash is used in speech therapies as well. They make chains and bracelets for infants so that the insects never near the newborn.
i) Over the skin, it soothes the skin and mind when smelled.
ii) It repels the insects.
22) Kaarpoga Arisi - Babchi seeds ( Psoralin Corrylifolia)
A seed, which is ground and used in bath powder. It cures the white spots over the skin.
i) The best medicine for skin ailments like Eczema and ringworms
ii) Prolonged usage helps to remove the pimples of the skin.
23) Green gram ( Vigna radiata)
Green gram is rich in fiber content. It is good when taken as food and exterior use as well. Good for the skin in many ways.
i) It gives radiant glow over the skin.
ii) It is very good for Oily skin.
iii) It is safe on the Dry skin when applied with milk cream or oil.
iv) It is a natural scrub and cleanses the skin.
24) Vendhayam - Fenugreek seed ( Trigonella foenum graecum)
It is a coriander seed. It is rich in Vitamin C. Seeds, leaves and stem are good for the stomach, hair, and skin.
i) Skin problems controlled.
ii) Brings out a natural glow.
iii) Cures pimples.
iv) Anti-aging of a skin.
25) Vellai sollam - Sorgham
It has several benefits over the skin. Intake makes a person energetic. Outside when applied, has good results.
i) Reduces Melanoma,
26) wheat
Wheat applied over the skin has several benefits.
i) Rich in Antioxidant.
ii) Removes scars
iii) Rich in vitamin E oil, reduces the black circle over the eyes.
iv) smoothes the skin.
27) Pungai kottai - Pongamia ( Milletia pinnata)
The leaves, flowers, Tree bark, roots have a medicinal effect. This Tree plays a vital role in the environmental cycle. It produces enormous oxygen.
i) The seed treats eczema, psoriasis.
ii) Antioxidant.
iii) Nourishes the skin.
28) Cucumber seeds
Cucumber regulates the body temperature. The seeds are good for the skin.
i) Skin cell regenerates.
ii) Soothing effect.
iii) Anti-inflammatory, and Antibacterial.
iv) Protects the skin.
29) Sandalwood
Sandalwood tree has a central stem which retains aroma for several years. It has several skin benefits.
i) Antiviral and Anti-inflammatory.
ii) Soothing effect.
iii) The smell reduces the stress.
iv) Treats Acne.
v) Increases skin tone
30) Orange peels
Orange is a citric fruit, has vitamin C in abundance. The orange peels too have Vitamin C. The peels can help to increase the skin health.
i) It removes the skin tan.
ii) Treats Skin problems like Blemishes.
iii) Brightens the face.
31) Multhani matti
It is a clay. it is rich in minerals essential for skin.
i) Treats Acne.
ii) It Treats the pore.
iii) It Treats blemishes.
iv) Refreshes the skin.
Collecting these ingredients can be a challenge. Practically speaking, that's why people will move to soap because it is easily accessible. But there are many small business owners initiated to make these homemade products for the ease of people around the city. Homemade Herbal Bath Powder in Chennai is not available with all these ingredients. It is accessible to people in a small town. They ease your pain of collecting things and finding a mill to grind the stuff.
One of our best friend who recently moved off from the USA to India to live their self-sustained life has taken this wonderful initiative benefiting themselves and others. Call these couple for Homemade Herbal Bath Powder. They charge, Rs.100 for 100 grams of Bath powder. There may be separate postal charges in case of shipping.
Parandhaman - Ph: +91 6381586013
Prathiba - Ph: +91 7358196508
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